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6 Spring renovation ideas

Spring is the light at the end of a dreary cold winter. The warmer weather brought by this season is the most opportune time to make tidy and spruce up your home.

We have compiled six spring renovation ideas to kick the year into high gear before the summer months arrive. Not only will they result in a generally cleaner home, but these will also help boost your mood.

  1. Paint your house
    Painting your house is a great way to change the overall mood of the place. Adding a bright colour to the living room walls or repainting the kitchen cabinets not only enhances the look and feel of your home but also impacts your mood. Pick colours you love and don’t be afraid to go bold.
  2. Change your bedding
    You may have one beautiful set for winter, but it is likely made with DON MUNRO AGENT IMAGE MARKETING
    fabrics ready to handle the cold season. Now that it’s warmer outside, you’ll want to switch it to lighter fabrics for your beddings. Linen in bright colours will provide you with better quality sleep and will add a punch of colour to your master bedroom.
  3. Reorganise your stuff
    Keeping things organised is great, of course, but rearranging your space for the sake of both style and function is a genius idea. It gives you a new perspective and opens up new possibilities on the number of ways your home could look. Mix your stuff up a bit – you will not regret it.
  4. When some things no longer spark joy…
    Then get rid of them. Letting go of these items is a great way to clean up your home. At the same time, doing so will also make space for new stuff. The number one target should be old clothes you no longer need. You can always donate them to those who do. Another way of clearing your home of clutter and making money at the same time is through a yard sale.
  5. Change your curtains
    It is incredible what a change of curtains can do to a room. Brightly coloured curtains in light fabrics can completely transform an area of your home and allow more natural light in. Letting in as much natural light can lift the general mood in your home.
  6. Yard work
    If you have the luxury of having outdoor living areas, you also take on the responsibility of taking care of these. Winter is over and your excuse for not doing any yard work has passed. You want to be sure that your lawn is clean and nicely trimmed. This is what people will first notice about your home, after all.

    You can also consider adding new flowering plants for a wonderful burst of colour by the time summer comes. For an even bolder move, consider making a makeshift pond as a focal point of your entire yard beautification project.

Spring renovations are about boosting your mood and uplifting your home. Get started with our tips today! And for your real estate needs in the areas of Vancouver, Langley, Abbotsford, and Chilliwack, call me, Don Munro, at 604-817-7338 or send us an email at botsoldmunro(at)gmail(dotted)com.

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